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About Ma'iingan

Welcome to my crafting blog. So glad you stopped by.

I have been hand creating various items almost all my life, but haven't perfected my creations until recent years (say, with in the last 10). I have always loved making things, and feel I can express my true self through my creations, and find it one of my favorite ways to relax.

I have the ability to recreate items I see in pictures, as I am a visual learner, so some of the things I make are re-creations of things I've seen in various places, with my own little twists added to them. This blog is simply a place for me to show off my creations and perhaps provide a tutorial or two, should anyone request it.

I have also been a practicing Solitary Witch for over 20 years. My path began with Wicca, but I have since moved on into my own individual interpretation of my personal beliefs, therefore I simply refer to myself as a Witch.

I do hope you enjoy my blog, and feel free to leave comments on my posts, as well as ask any questions you may have, and I can only do my best to answer them as best I can OR direct you to more information. Blessed Be!!