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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Purse/Bag Organizer

Instead of posting pictures on the other post about my purse organizer, I thought I'd give it it's own little post.

I found the tutorial on making a purse organizer on YouTube (here's the link if you would like to watch it yourself). Like I said, I'm a visual learner, so I needed to see someone actually make the thing before I could figure out how to do it myself.

Here is my purse before I made my organizer:
As you can see it was a cluttered mess.

Using the tutorial on the video linked above, I created my own organizer, and this is how it turned out:
I can also fit my cell phone into my organizer, but I used it to take the pic...hence the label above that says "Cell Phone" lol. That's where it sits.

Because I didn't use stiff interfacing when I made this, it was really flimsy. First I had it pinned in my purse with a number of safety pins, then I decided to use some cardboard shoved through it. The cardboard worked a heck of a lot better than the pins (I won't stab myself anymore on open pins)

Now, this organizer comes with velcro strips...other's don't. I like the idea because it keeps the thing together in a ring. There are two strips on the opposite side of the organizer so you can adjust it to your purse (naturally you can forgo the straps altogether if you want to put it in a smaller purse)

See how clean my purse looks now (sorry for the foot...didn't notice it until now lol)

I have two mint tins I use to hold smaller things (one holds my hair accessories, the other holds a rosary I made), a small change purse, my wallet, a larger note pad, a paper notepad, my lipstick, hand sanitizer, 3 pens, my inhaler, a small pair of collapsible scissors, and an interesting stone I found that I wanted to keep. Whoever thought of an organizer in such a way was a genius. Thank you to that person.

I'm contemplating on making another one...just to see if I can...AND...if I decide to sell my creations that I make, that can be another one.

As I said in my last post, these organizers can be fitted to accommodate your pagan items if you were to make one for a bag in which you would store portable practice items. You could make pockets for oil or herb bottles, a pocket for your athame, or wand, a place to store your incense sticks or cones, whatever you choose. Let your imagination run wild.

Here is a link to other organizer tutorials that I thought were interesting, that I might try in the future:

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