The ingenious idea of using a travel bathroom bag is a great idea for storing your scrapbooking/smash booking supplies when on the go...however we've found a new use for a travel bathroom bag lol. Hubby and I often travel hours away from our home for numerous days at a time and having a small pouch to hold all of our things is a bit impractical, so we've decided to use the travel bathroom bag for what it was intended for. Boo-urns for my supplies.
However...while cleaning out my MONSTER of a bedroom closet, I stumbled upon a bible cover I had bought when my neighbor (more or less) dragged me to a "Christian" Convention in Toronto a few years ago. I mean, I had a bible, but no cover for it...and wanted to blend in (sue me lol).
...and while cleaning out this monster and stumbling on this find...I had yet another brainstorm: SMASH BOOKING!!!
All of my goodies seen here fit in this book (and I have room to spare...for when my books grow)
In the case (blue thing, bottom left corner) I have my colored pens, colored pencils, glue tape, two pens, two pencils, eraser, sharpener, a small smash book I am going to use to document my travels in a couple months, and a spare book in case I want to add more or inspiration strikes.
It's yet another stroke of genius for storing your portable smash book items. You can find these covers in book stores, Christian supply stores or even Amazon.
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